Today Is The Best Day Of My Life

Danielle Brown
2 min readNov 11, 2019

And it feels awesome!

You see, today is another opportunity to work on ourselves. It’s another chance to make a difference, to channel our energy into doing something we love and create something awesome.

Success is a culmination of choices, and it’s about consistently making the right ones. The small choices we make are just as important as the big ones and how we approach each day is a choice. We can pitch out of bed with that far too popular ‘I hate Mondays’ mentality.

Or we can get up and tell ourselves ‘I’m going to make great things happen today.’

This might come after a strong mug of coffee — but the point is that we have a choice over the words we say to ourselves and how we frame the world we live in.

So yes, today is the best day of my life. Because I want it to be.

Will things go wrong? Quite possibly…

Will something happen that I don’t expect. Probably…

Will I achieve everything on my to-do list? Not a hope in hell…

It’s all about learning how to control the controllable. In life there are loads of things we can’t control. We can’t do anything about the weather, the economy, our past and other people’s opinions. Sometime this might feel super frustrating and stressful. It’s a natural human tendency to want to feel like we’re at the helm, forging our path to future successes. When those waters get testy, when we’re thrown a curveball or a challenge, it can send us spinning off track and the emotional backlash that comes with it is often quite negative.

This does not mean that we have no control at all.

Whilst we CANNOT control everything that happens to us, we can learn how to control our response to it. If you get stuck in traffic you can start to panic that you’re going to be late, or you can make a quick phone call to explain the situation. If somebody badmouths you behind your back you can choose to let it bring you down, or you can choose to ignore it.

This outlook is a choice, a habit. It’s about being more consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings and reactions, it’s about committing yourself to pursuing excellence, and it’s about asking yourself:

How can I make today better than yesterday?



Danielle Brown

Keynote speaker & Inclusion Champion. Helping people unlock their potential, overcome adversity & achieve more. 2x Paralympic gold medallist, 5x World Champion